Lesson of the Day(according to society, not me) : Girls and Guys cannot be 'just friends'! Apparently, watching a movie together with 2 other people in the room also watching the movie with you, translates into you sleeping with the married friend! Do people seriously have nothing better to do that fabricate completely false facts and advertise them around town???? Seriously, people of HC, GET A NEW HOBBY!!! My town is the worst for gossip, thank God, I'm outta here on Tuesday!!!! Aaaaanywaaaaay, on a much happier (& calmer) note, I did have fun this weekend! Last night, I went to two of my good friend's place for some much needed girl time & it was my last night with them before I jet off to the US. We ate tacos, watched That 70's Show re-runs and swapped stuff. We each brought along some much loved stuff that we were just a little tired with and we all swapped our stuff! It was so much fun, I came home with a new tshirt, hand bag and funky cord bracelets...I highly recommend trying it with some friends, it was a very fun night :) Hope your weekend was just as rad, if not, more :) x x x
Pics via weheartit.com lyrics - Don't Stop Believing by Journey